The last few weeks have not been kind to mu predictions. I seem to be stuck in a rut of mediocrity as I once again went .500 last week with a 3-3 record against the spread. That leaves me sitting right at .500 for the season. That’s unacceptable. Fortunately, the set of rules I developed last week helped prevent an even worse week.
The final stretch of the season is fast approaching, so the time is now or never to get on a hot streak. Luckily, this week provides ample opportunity as there are eight SEC games, including Alabama-LSU, which has been the best rivalry in the SEC over the past 10 years. The .500 mark has represented a huge barrier this season, but I promise to get over the hump. This week could very well be the week I do it as my confidence level is somewhere around the moderate level, which is a good sign considering how wrong I’ve been about the games I’ve been really confident about. Starting this week, I’m picking myself out of this slump and storming past that elusive .500 mark.