SEC football tailgater’s guide to hot dogs

(Photo by Bobby Bank/Getty Images)
(Photo by Bobby Bank/Getty Images)
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Most everything, especially football, is better in the south. But when you talk about hot dogs, we have to give a nod to the folks in Chicago, because nobody does hot dogs like them. This is a completely non-negotiable recipe. Any deviation and you don’t have a true Chicago Dog, but rather a flimsy (but probably tasty) representation.

Here is the proper way to assemble your very own Chicago Dog, and make sure you’ve stretched out your cheeks before taking a bite.

(Otherwise known as, “Dragged through the garden”)

Hot Dog – You need a genuine Vienna Beef hot dog for a true Chicago Dog
Bun – Poppy seed is a must-have. Hard to find, but well worth it
Mustard – Only yellow will do
Tomatoes – fresh small wedges are best, chopped is also acceptable
Onions – fresh chopped
Relish – Only neon Chicago-style sweet hot dog relish will do. You’ll probably have to order it from Amazon or a Chicago grocer. It’s all in the details.
Peppers – Real sport peppers only (they will be labeled as such)
Pickles – Kosher pickle spear
Celery salt – sprinkled on top as the final touch

How do you like your hot dogs? Do you have a favorite recipe to add to this list? Give us a shout at or leave a note in the comments.